This website has been produced for fun and for free by an anonymous AA member.
It does not speak for AA.
It does not represent AA.
It does not speak for or represent any other Twelve-Step fellowship.
It has no authority whatsoever.
It seeks merely to be helpful.
If you find the materials helpful, feel free to use them and pass them on.
If you find the materials unhelpful, then that's OK: there are plenty of other resources available.
If you do things differently, that's OK, too.
The author concedes they may be wrong and may well change their mind, maybe even today.
So nothing on here is set in stone: it represents a snapshot in time.
The author's own understanding and practices have evolved to this point and will continue to evolve.
Whyever you're reading this: the author wishes you well in your recovery or on your journey.
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