No one has to join a Twelve-Step fellowship
No one in a Twelve-Step fellowship has to do the Twelve Steps
No one has to have a sponsor ... although sponsorship often helps
If the sponsee feels uncomfortable, there is no obligation to continue the process or the relationship
The sponsee owes the sponsor nothing
It's even OK simply to stop contacting the sponsor and move on
The sponsor does not owe the sponsee anything, strictly speaking ...
... but it's a good idea for sponsors to be clear about what they offer and then to offer it ...
... and to try to be reasonably cordial
Both sponsee and sponsor are on recovery journeys
They're both cookie dough, not cookies
So some patience, tolerance, and flexibility will be required on both sides
The sponsor is not a professional, and is not paid
They're simply trying to help
The sponsor may legitimately impose conditions for the process ...
... e.g. calling every day or going to a particular meeting
The potential or actual sponsee may object to these
That's OK too
The sponsee can reject the conditions and leave the process at any point
If you really don't get on with your sponsor: get a new one
If you really don't get on with your home group: get a new one
If you really don't like your Twelve-Step Fellowship: look around ...
... there might be another one that addresses your problem
(Even alcoholics sometimes feel more comfortable in Cocaine Anonymous)
In short:
You are free, and you're in charge of your own recovery process ..
... in harmony with your inner Self and your Higher Power
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