Is AA for me?

I had terrible trouble because of drinking.

I tried to moderate but could not.

I tried to stop but could not.

So I joined AA, and it solved my drink problem by enabling me to stay away from the first drink, one day at a time.

It also gave me a design for living.

To find out if AA is for you:

  • Go to 90 meetings in 90 days
  • Get numbers
  • Call people
  • Talk to them
  • See if you can identify with people talking about their drinking
  • Ask yourself:
    • Is my drinking like theirs?
    • Do I want to stop drinking for good and for all?
    • Do I want the life they describe?
    • Am I willing to give myself completely to this programme?
    • Am I willing at least to start that process?
If the answers to these questions are 'yes', you are well on your way.
