In North America:
Listings are organised locally rather than nationally, so the system can vary depending on where you live. Google Alcoholics Anonymous meetings + the name of your city or state. That will bring up the official local AA website. Usually the most appropriate one will be in the top five results. Look for the words 'Area' or 'Intergroup' in the description of the website. These are clues that the website is an official local AA website. The app Meeting Guide (available on Google Play and the App Store) will successfully link to these local listings for wherever you are in the country.
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in most countries are listed nationally, so Google Alcoholics Anonymous meetings + the name of your country. The national website will usually enable you to drill down to local listings.
As of writing, lots of meetings are currently online, so check the local website carefully. Some websites bunch together the face-to-face meetings and the online meetings; others have separate listings for the online meetings.
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