
Q: My sponsor hurt my feelings. What do I do?

Q: What happens if my sponsee cannot think of anyone to write in the first column of the Step Four?

Q: Do some sponsees get sponsored differently because of their pasts?

Q: What's my job as a sponsor? I feel inadequate to the task.

Q: What does commitment look like?

Q: I'm disappointed my sponsor does not give me enough personal attention. What do I do?

Q: Is there a question of good faith in sponsorship?

Q: I've done the Steps but I can't find sponsees. What can I do about this?

Q: I'm a bit stop-and-start with my stepwork and other AA activities. What do I do about this?

Q: My sponsee resents me. What should I do?

Q: I feel uncomfortable with my sponsor. Should I end the sponsorship?

Q: My (ex-)sponsee is harrassing me. What do I do?

Q: My sponsee wants to do X, Y, or Z. What do I advise?